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Media mogul Rupert Murdoch: He is giving up his empire at the age of 92

Rupert Murdoch, probably the most powerful opinion maker in the world, has now resigned from his media empire. It stays in the family.

It took until he was 92 years old, but now media mogul Rupert Murdoch, 92, is stepping down as head of the Fox Group and the News Corp publishing house. He communicated this decision to his employees in a letter, it says on “Fox News”. “I am writing to inform you all that I have decided to move to the role of Chairman Emeritus at Fox and News,” Murdoch wrote.

It continues: “Throughout my entire professional life I have dealt with news and ideas every day and that will not change. But now is the right time for me to take on other roles.” Of course, Murdoch is not leaving control of his gigantic and often criticized media empire to just anyone: son Lachlan, 52, will be at the helm in the future – and will now take his father’s place and become one of the most powerful opinion makers in the world.

Opinion and Presidential Makers

Murdoch has been in the news business since the mid-1950s. From his Australian homeland, he eventually turned his attention to the international market. At the end of the 1960s, he secured control of the British newspapers “News of the World” and “The Sun”. His motto increasingly seemed to be: the busier the news presentation, the better. Much to the chagrin of numerous celebrities and royals. By jumping across the pond, he finally landed his greatest coups: He joined the entertainment company 20th Century Fox and acquired the “Wall Street Journal”.

With “Fox News,” Murdoch also started the engine of the propaganda machine for Donald Trump, 77, who turned out to be a real ratings guarantor before and during his US presidency. A win-win situation for politicians and publishers that should last until the 2020 presidential election.

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