This month we present the MediaBook 2023 edition, an annual publication that focuses its efforts on the Mexican media.

This product is thinking that in the field of marketing, the media play an essential role, since the clients of the brands, their advertisers and the professionals who are in charge of carrying out strategies are essential tools.

This is an essential edition for planners and those who are dedicated to buying advertising space, a space that encompasses the entire media sector, as well as suppliers and creative agencies in a single edition.

Benefits that your company can obtain

  • Direct contact with media centers.
  • Point of sale exposure as the leading medium.
  • iPad and printed version.
  • The only media in Mexico that offers REVIEWS, not ads.
  • Opportunity to sponsor section dividers.
  • annual exhibition.

Who is participating in MediaBook 2022?

  • Media Agencies
  • Agencies 360
  • Malls
  • Foreign Media
  • Innovative Media
  • Alternative Media
  • Radio / Internet
  • Pay TV
  • newspapers
  • Online / print magazines
  • Digital Strategies
  • advertising screens

Remember that you will reach the more than 11,500 subscribers of the Merca2.0 magazine.

Registration is free, this edition reaches all Merca2.0 subscribers, don’t miss the opportunity to reach those partners you need to grow your business. If you want to participate with an ad, write to [email protected]

Sign up for free here


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