Mediaset hires Carlos Franganillo as the new presenter of Informativos Telecinco

Mediaset continues to draw new lines to gain an audience again, and this time They have decided to sign Carlos Franganillothe presenter of the TVE Newscasts, who now serve as a great reference in Informativos Telecincojust as it has confirmed the chain itself.

This is a totally unexpected bombshell, which comes after the signing of Francisco Moreno as the new Director of News, who has now created this new incorporation with the direct collaboration of Pedro Piqueras. A couple that seeks to put Telecinco as a reference in information. An objective that is being fulfilled to the letter, even more so with this signing of one of the great faces of television today.

Pedro Piqueras retires

Franganillo, in the words of the chain, be the new presenter of the prime-time edition of Informativos Telecincowhich will take over from another television legend like Pedro Piqueras, who will withdraw from the small screen by his own decision at the end of this year, as agreed with the chain several months ago.

A decision that means goodbye to Piqueras, one of the most famous journalists in our country, as well as the most beloved, who puts an end to his professional career after spending the last 17 years with the help of Mediaset España, where it leaves an unforgettable memory and an indelible markas the group points out in its statement.

Carlos Franganillo’s career

Carlos Franganillo takes Piqueras’ place on Telecinco. A presenter who already knows television very well and who already has a long career behind him. 43 at. Has been one of the references in information within TVEespecially thanks to his role as presenter of News 2where he has won awards such as Waves and the Iris in 2019 as best news presenter.

His success has been such that TVE trusted him to host the news specials, such as the last investiture of Pedro Sánchez along with Alejandra Herranz.

A career at TVE that began in 2008, when he entered through the opposition, leading him to go through different fields until he found the news. However, Before I went through reportingand having traveled to Congress, to Kiev for the invasion of Ukraine, to Brussels for the NATO summit, to La Palma for the eruption of the volcano, and so many other places, which earned him the award from the International Press Club to the best correspondent.

Furthermore, in 2011 he started working as correspondent of the Information Services of Spanish Television in Moscowand also occupied the network correspondent in Washington DC in July 2014, replacing Lorenzo Mil.

In short, a presenter who arrives at Telecinco having built a great career linked to information, and who arrives as one of the great bets of the network, which seeks to position itself as the great reference in television, after being surpassed precisely by TVE. , and by Antena 3.

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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