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Meeting with the Pope: Hollywood star clenches his fists

Sylvester Stallone and his family had an audience with the Pope. Francis seemed just as pleased as the Hollywood star.

Pope Francis, 86, received Sylvester Stallone, 77, for an audience in the Vatican. Both the church leader and the action star seemed delighted about the meeting. Similar to the “Rocky” films, Stallone clenched his fists during the visit – of course only meant as a joke. This is shown in a short video that, among other things on the Instagram channel of “Vatican News” was published.

Sylvester Stallone, one of the biggest names in Hollywood for decades, did not arrive alone. “Nice to meet you,” Stallone says in the clip, introducing his companions. You can see his wife, Jennifer Flavin, 55, their daughters Sophia, 27, Sistine, 25, and Scarlet, 21, as well as his brother Frank, 73.

The Pope knows Stallone’s films

The actor first thanks the Pope for taking time for him and his family. “We really appreciate that,” explains Stallone. “I feel honored,” replies Francis. “We grew up with your films,” says the 86-year-old. “Ready? Let’s box,” Stallone laughs and indicates appropriate movements. Francis also has to smile and raises his left fist.

The US actor is the son of an Italian immigrant. He had already visited the Vatican last year. At that time he was allowed to hold the numerous keys that, according to him, “open all doors throughout Vatican City” – including those of the Sistine Chapel. He explained this on Instagramthat he was happy to have given one of his daughters the name Sistine. In English, the Sistine Chapel is called the Sistine Chapel.

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