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“Mega pissed off”: Schlager fans are foaming with anger after Helene Fischer’s injury

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From: Richard Strobl


Helene Fischer injured herself during rehearsals and has to cancel the first concerts on her tour. Her fans hope for a speedy recovery. But many are also angry.

Bremen – “We’ve been rehearsing for the upcoming tour for weeks, we’re highly motivated and we’re going to our limits,” with these words Schlager star Helene Fischer (38) reported to her fans on Monday. It was only later that the Instagram post made it clear that Helene had obviously gone beyond her personal limits, because: she broke a rib and has to postpone the first two tour concerts in Bremen and Cologne. There are not only understanding reactions from the fans.

Helene Fischer injured herself during tour rehearsals – some fans were pissed off

“Get well soon. The most important thing is that you are healthy, fit and happy,” one reads under Helene’s post. Many fans line up and wish their idol a quick and good recovery. But the reactions are by no means all peace, joy and pancakes. In particular, the fact that the first two concerts of the “Rausch” tour are postponed at such short notice sometimes causes open anger.

“The fall happened yesterday. Only today the cancellation – it’s really bad,” writes a fan. “We’ll catch up on that … wow. But now I’m stuck with 65 euros cancellation fee from the hotel…” says another. A third said: “Free cancellation for hotels or even trains! One person loses almost 250 euros, if you hadn’t known about it last night you could have canceled it.”

Helene Fischer has to postpone “Rausch” concerts – these dates are affected:

Bremen: May 10-12, 2023 instead of March 21-23

Cologne: August 25 to September 2 instead of March 25 to April 2

Schlager fans are furious after Helene Fischer’s injury

But not only the existing costs, on which many are now apparently left behind, cause trouble. After all, for fans there is usually more to travel to a concert in another city: “Helene, nothing is okay”, a fan begins a long post and openly admits to being “mega pissed off and angry”. She specially arranged her services at work so that she could be there in Cologne. Others must have taken extra leave, she suspects. Now a lot has to be organized here too in order to be able to be there for alternative dates.

The anger of many fans also joins the anger that Helene Fischer probably injured herself during rehearsals for her new acrobatic show. Many think that they do not need exactly these shows from Helene Fischer – but now they have to do without concerts because of them: “You could only sing. Nobody needs acrobatics and Cirque du Soleil. Why do you need that? “It says about the comments on Instagram.

Helene Fischer has to postpone concerts: fans fear the next low blow

But that’s not all: Many fans also fear that the two concerts will not be postponed. “Rip fracture lasts at least three months. Who knows if the whole tour will even take place,” writes one. Another agrees: “What’s the nonsense? Everywhere you can read that after. Light exercise can be started after 4-6 weeks. How is a responsible doctor supposed to give the OK on April 11, which crazy insurance company is involved? Wouldn’t it make more sense to postpone the whole thing?”

“Can you please cancel the rest on time, if necessary?” A fan, who probably has a similar train of thought, wishes. (rjs) Sources used:

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