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Meghan Markle knocked out by Jeremy Clarkson: the Sun’s apologies

After several days of outcry following the publication of an article by columnist Jeremy Clarkson targeting Meghan Markle, The Sun removed it from its website. The tabloid also issued an apology.

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“I hate her.” After the release of the last three episodes of the Netflix series Harry & Meghan on December 15, the columnist Jeremy Clarkson had published in the columns of the Sun an article in which he had vehemently expressed his hatred towards Meghan Markle. “At night I can’t sleep and I lie there grinding my teeth and dreaming of the day when she will be paraded naked on the streets of every city in the UK, while the crowd will shout ‘Shame !’ and him will throw excrement on ithe had written. “A clumsy reference to the series Game Of Thrones, misunderstood according to the author. Indeed, in a striking scene of Game Of ThronesCersei Lannister suffers a “walk of shame”. The former queen is forced to parade naked in the streets while people throw rubbish at her…

The Sun “regrets the publication of this article”

“It was taken badly by many people. I am horrified to have caused so much pain and will be more careful in the future”, reacted Jeremy Clarkson on Twitter when his remarks were at the heart of a lively controversy. There were reportedly more than 20,000 complaints, according to the UK press regulator. In this very tense context, The Sun could not remain unresponsive. The British tabloid site announced the removal of the controversial text from its archives. “The opinions of columnists are theirs, but as a publisher we understand that with free expression comes responsibility”, posted the newspaper this Friday, December 23. Before clarifying his position: “We at Sunregret the publication of this article and are sincerely sorry.”

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The heavy past of Jeremy Clarkson

This is not Jeremy Clarkson’s first controversy. In 2015, the BBC fired him after punching one of the producers of Top Gear UK. The journalist and host also already had other controversies under his belt. The manufacturer Hyundai had accused him of having made racist remarks, and he had made a Nazi salute when talking about the manufacturer of the Mini, belonging to the German BMW. In November 2011, during an interview with the BBC, he suggested executing civil service strikers. Undoubtedly humor that was, once again, not past…

Article written in collaboration with 6Medias

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