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Melcochita defends Monserrat after being punched by her son: “She hasn’t messed with them and she didn’t say they were ‘kept'”

Get your claws out for her. Melcochita was emphatic in separating his wife from him, Monserrat Seminary, of family troubles. This is how Pablo Villanueva denied his son, husseinafter he sent her to therapy.

As is recalled, Hussein lashed out at his father’s wife and accused her of attacking his brothers, something that angers him; since he considers her a bad influence on Marshmallow.

“My dad doesn’t need a psychologist, as Monserrat says; rather, My father is a humble, good person, but not with me.”said Melcochita’s son.

“Every time Monserrat has the opportunity to attack my father’s children, she does it, which is why my brothers are upset… She always adds fuel to the fire, but he (Melcochita) should be respected. I would not allow someone to harm my children, that is a psychological attack.”

What did Melcohita reply to Hussein about Monserrat?

Pablo Villanueva gave an exclusive interview to Trome, where he talked about the relationship he has with his children. In addition, he took advantage of the conversation to respond to his son, Hussein, because he criticized Monserrat’s attitude.

Melcochita also spoke about her health and indicated that the problem with her children that has come to light in recent days has only made her uncomfortable, since they mix her past with what she is doing today.

. I am very well with my children and without problems, to all the masters and I wish that they are well ”, ended.


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