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Meron Mendel: How do people talk about Israel in Germany?

In a new book, Meron Mendel, head of the Anne Frank educational center, looks at the discussions surrounding anti-Semitism, Israel and the Middle East conflict.

“I’m a projection screen, you can hear my accent and that triggers a lot of people,” says Meron Mendel. He is Jew and Israeli – but nobody in Germany can pigeonhole the 47-year-old director of the Anne Frank educational center in Frankfurt. He criticizes the BDS campaign, which the Bundestag has classified as anti-Semitic, calling for a boycott of the state of Israel, and at the same time he is an opponent of the state’s actions in the West Bank.

There are no simple truths to be found in Mendel. The academic is irritated by the way in which debates about the Israel complex, the Middle East conflict and anti-Semitism are being conducted in society in this country. He has now written about it: “Talking about Israel” is the name of his book.

“We have forgotten how to lead controversial discussions.”

“Talking” is an important keyword here. Mendel’s thesis: “As a society, we have forgotten how to conduct controversial discussions.” An astonishing statement, especially in relation to the Middle East conflict – when you consider the vehemence with which such discussions are often conducted in this country.

But in Mendel’s view, the exchange is missing. “Many people have the view that they are not facing a discussion partner, but the enemy.”

Feel morally on the right side

In his opinion, the discussions have long since ceased to be factual. Rather, it is usually about feeling morally on the right side. “I wish I had more courage to differentiate.”

Mendel predicts that discussions about anti-Semitism and the Middle East conflict will keep repeating themselves. “Germany is not the best place to talk about the topic as unencumbered as possible.” And he goes even further: “Unfortunately, a joint debate is not possible in Germany at the moment.”

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