A Mexican ‘influencer’ denounced the rape of her five-year-old son at the hands of a teenager in a Kiddo’s event room, located in a well-known shopping mall in the municipality of General Escobedo, state of Nuevo León.

As reported by Ivonne Quintanilla in a video posted on her social networks, the event occurred last November when she went with her family to a children’s party. While her little one was left alone for a few minutes, a 13-year-old employee of the place “put his penis in her mouth.”

It was the boy himself who told his mother what happened after she noticed strange behavior in him. “I clouded over, blocked myself, went into shock,” confessed Quintanilla, who confronted the young man after the attack, who denied the accusations and said that he had put his finger in his son’s mouth because he was drowning.

The child reiterated what happened and denied the abuser’s version. Ivonne decided to speak with those in charge of the place, she notified the authorities and the next day she filed a complaint. The authorities detained the teenager for 36 hours and performed medical examinations on the victim.

The psychological assessment found sufficient evidence. However, what happened was not considered by law as sexual abuse because there was no penetration and the punishment for the defendant was limited to a day and a half in prison. The authorities only offered psychological therapy, the value of which should be covered by the family of the person involved, but Quintanilla and her family rejected it.

In her video, in addition to exposing the case, Ivonne criticized the light sentences for child abuse and invited other parents to always believe in their children and talk to them about sexuality and their bodies to prevent similar situations.

“The importance of talking to our children about their private parts, mentioning them by name. This helped us a lot,” she said.

The “Kiddo’s” party room, located in Plaza Nia in Escobedo, was closed after a mother filed a complaint for sexual assault on her 3-year-old son.


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