Mexican singer-songwriter debuts with the album Tu loba

MIAMI.- With a guitarist grandfather and a singer grandmother, Tamara Herrera knew from a very young age that her thing was musicbecause in addition to listening to her closest relatives, the young woman mexicana Born in Acapulco, she joined her school choir at the age of 13 to follow in the footsteps of her grandparents. Once she moved to Texas, she began participating in regional music competitions where she finished in the top 10. Now, 18 years later, the young performer officially debuts in the industry with the album You loba

In the midst of the launch and media tour between Miami and Colombia, DIARIO LAS AMRICAS spoke with the 31-year-old Mexican singer and songwriter to find out what this entire process has been like that is leading her increasingly toward success.

Who do you dedicate your debut album to?

I dedicate this album to my parents because they have supported me from the beginning. So, all my effort and all my work is for them.

Where does interest in music come from?

I moved to Texas when I was 13 and it was there that I started with music by joining a school choir. In that choir there were regional competitions and I was always in the top 10. With these competitions, I said: ‘There are future, maybe yes. So, I encouraged myself and from that moment on I began to be passionate about music.

Then, I started studying music and won a scholarship at the Taller de Compositores de México, from the Armando Manzanero school; With that experience, I was able to join Sony and compose a song for Paola Jara. From that moment, I was encouraged to carry out my recording project and here we are.

However, my grandfather played the guitar and my grandmother was a singer; In that sense, from a very young age that musical DNA was created in me.

In the press release you state that with this album you also pay tribute to your musical legacy with influences ranging from Lupita D’Alessio to Alejandro Fernández, what do these artists represent to you?

Alejandro Fernández brings all those romantic, ranchera songs from his father, but Alejandro moved them a little towards pop, not simply closing in on mariachi; while Lupita D’Alessio seems to me to be a woman with a mega voice, who is also very empowered and is not afraid to push (work).

With these premises, I wanted to transfer to the album that balance of empowerment and at the same time sensitivity that we have as women, without being afraid to show it.

How long did record production take you and what was the most emblematic lesson that this process left you as an artist?

We recorded the album in December 2022 and it was ready in a week.

Although we took the mixing process slowly -because it is my first project-, all of this involved creating a strategy to bring together the right team, creating a community… which in the end allowed everything to go very well. In this sense, we decided to make the first release last year with the song Dime; from there, we continue with Come back, we both sin y you loba Faced with these launches we said: ‘now yes, hold on, we are going with everything’.

With this job I have learned that time passes quite quickly because February arrived and I still thought there was time for certain things, because there was a lot of work behind those seven songs… I had moments in which I almost fell, but the people who helped me They want to be there to support me, lift me up, motivate me and that’s why I return to the same thing: it is a very big effort that I dedicate to my parents.

I take advantage of this question to highlight that the song follow love I dedicate it to my grandfather, who inspired me to write it.

What type of audience can listen You loba?

It’s a Norteo mariachi album, only we start with Dime y Comes backwhich are a little more like the rancheras of the past, but from there it evolved into a more modern mariachi with songs like You loba y We both sin.

In the end, the album is 100% regional Mexican; However, I don’t want to marry only this genre – although I love it a lot and that’s why I wanted to start with this type of music – because I like to sing all kinds of music, so I’m not afraid to do other things. Maybe tomorrow I’ll release a cumbia (laughs).

I know your debut album, what artists would you like to sing with next?

I would love to be able to sing with (Christian) Nodal, that is my number one; also make a fusion with Los Ángeles Azules, Natalia Jiménez, Paola Jara. I admire all of them very much.

Are you planning a concert tour?

Now I am on media tours in Miami and Colombia, but you should keep an eye on my social networks @soytamaraherrera so that by having clearer dates they can inform themselves and go see me.

Music is…?

Mi pasin.

Subjects of You loba

  1. I forbid myself
  2. follow love
  3. Foolish
  4. You loba
  5. We both sin
  6. Comes back
  7. Dime

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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