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Mexico uses Artificial Intelligence to create NAT: the country’s first virtual news presenter

From Mexico to Latin America and the rest of the planet, Radio Formula Groupa company with extensive experience in the radio industry has just presented NAT, the first newscaster generated through Artificial Intelligence (AI).

AI systems have reached unexpected levels. We have verified this perfectly in recent months with the advances of platforms such as ChatGPT o Midjourney. Where the first has been able to generate Windows activation keys and the second caused a sensation with its images of Pope Francis dancing hip-hop and wearing the latest fashions.

In fact, the debate around the rate of evolution of these systems has reached the extreme point where more than a thousand specialists and figures from the information technology industry, including Steve Wozniak y Elon Muskhave demanded that the development of all AI be suspended.

The approach of the community concerned about the matter is that a period of at least six months can be dedicated to landing a series of preventive measures to regulate, control and ensure that control over these systems that go too fast is not lost. .

But meanwhile, in Mexico it has been decided to go a step further with the creation of this character.

This is NAT, the first news presenter created by Artificial Intelligence in Mexico

On March 18, 2023, Grupo Radio Fórmula through its official YouTube channel and in part of her live programming she presented NAT, the first virtual news presenter developed in Mexico through Artificial Intelligence.

This is how Ricardo Muñoz, news and production director of Grupo Fórmula, explains the creation process, in an interview with Expansion:

“We took more or less a month and a half to develop NAT, however, journalists are still needed to help with the precision of the dialogue that it develops, this in order not to give inaccurate information about a piece of news.”

The initial participation of this new presenter was in the morning segment of the national news bar, but the idea is that she continues to expand her presence in various company productions.

In the end, NAT will be part of the morning and evening segments and of some social network capsules of the firm’s news productions for TV and radio.

Although the final results of his performance, as we can see in the video, is far from being precisely realistic.

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