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Mhoni Vidente gives a powerful ritual of abundance and prosperity for August: this is how it is done

Mhoni Vidente gives a powerful ritual of abundance and prosperity for August: this is how it is done

On this occasion the visionary spoke about Venus retrograde, phenomenon that will go until next September 3 and that will mainly affect the signs of Leo, Aquarius and Capricorn.

(Keep reading: These are the predictions of Mhoni Vidente, for each sign, for the month of August).

To do it, you need a male garlic candle, or garlic, “if you can’t get it, a purple candle.”

(In addition: With these rituals you can attract good luck, money and abundance in August).

“This ritual is very important because it will take away all the negative, all the diseases and all the heaviness, it will automatically bring you economic abundance,” says Mhoni.

(Keep reading: Mhoni seer reveals his love ritual to keep his partner).

The second step is to take the whole head of garlic and apply Florida lotion and the perfume of the person. “We are going to pass it through our entire body asking that all those negative energies be removed, all those obstacles, we pass it through our entire body and we ask that divine protection and male garlic help us get ahead.”

(Also: Palo Santo: What are its uses and benefits at home?).

“You can drop it the same day or the next day, if you find it, burn it and if not, nothing happens,” he points out.

The following process is carried out with the bills: he applies perfume to them, passes them all over his body and puts them in one of the glasses with water. You will have to apply the Florida lotion to the three coins and put them in triangle On The Plate, apply the cinnamon powder on the plate and the candle, finally apply the person’s perfume on the candle and the plate.

(Keep reading: Yagé: a preparation that is between tradition and regulations).

With the water glass at the beginning, which does not contain the money, it must be emptied and filled daily. When the candle runs out, the coins must be kept in a red sack, the bills dry and put them there too, apply the person’s perfume, and finally, keep it as an amulet.

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