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Michelle Salas’ mother denies that the model is pregnant

Michelle Salas moves to Miami after living six years in New York

MIAMI.- The model Michelle Salas has been the talk of the town in recent days, after a rumor spread that she was allegedly expecting her first child with Venezuelan businessman Danilo Díaz, whom she married in 2023.

The presumption began after the influencer was seen at a concert of her father, the singer Luis Miguel, in which the young woman’s profile showed her slightly bulging belly.

Although much has been said, the model has not made any statement to deny or confirm the fact.

Stephanie Salas denies speculation

However, their madre, Actress and singer Stephanie Salas addressed the situation during an interview she gave to the radio program The Walkerhosted by Tania Rincón, Fran Hevia and Fer Gay.

In the El Cofre section of the program, where guests are asked a series of important questions, Gay asked Salas about the rumors: “Is it true that your daughter Michelle is pregnant?”

To which Stephanie replied, “Oh no. Adopting a kitten means no, obviously whenever you have a pet, it’s definitely no.”

Laughing, the model’s mother said that the rumors arose after her daughter was photographed from an angle in which she could see a small belly.

However, I reiterated that at the moment Michelle and Danilo only have one cat named Enzo.

“The kitten I adopted is really cool, his name is Enzo. I had one that we adored, Valentino, and he died recently, it was very sad.”

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