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Miguel ngel Muoz, caught with his new girlfriend

Miguel ngel Muoz, caught with his new girlfriend

2023 has been a different year in the life of Miguel the Muoz. During the summer she had to face the hard loss of Luisa, her great-grandmother, the sister of her great-grandmother, the protagonist of the documentary she recorded about hers, the pandemic at her side and with whom had a very special bond. A few days ago he also had to endure the pain of his mother, whose leg was amputated after being admitted to a Madrid hospital for serious ailments.

The weeks go by and, just when the obstacles in the interpreter’s life seem to have no end, the person who could be making his days easier and happier comes to light, the girl in whom he would have found loving refuge and with whom he would illuminate a more beautiful and lighter horizon.

Laura, her new illusion

As has been collected Ten minutesthe actor was caught in the company of a young woman in a loving attitude. The girl in question is called Laura and she would be, according to the magazine, his new girlfriend. It would be her first relationship after her love story with Ana Guerrawho is now happily engaged to Vctor Elas, came to an end during the long summer of 2020. After their romance they have maintained good harmony and friendship to the point that the actor has even publicly congratulated the singer on her future marriage.


And, in this changing stage of the life of Miguel ngel MuozLaura would have emerged as a support for him and for his new concerns. Specifically, as stated in the aforementioned media, he is one of the people who accompany the actor’s ambitions in your new automotive adventure.

So much so that the couple has been caught, precisely, while they walked together, hugging each other, holding each other’s waists, affectionatelyafter a career that Miguel ngel Muoz had completed in the Jerez-ngel Nieto Circuit. A new horizon after a few dark months that began with a summer to forget.

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