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Miss France 2024: Noa Dutitre is Miss Champagne-Ardenne 2023

This Friday, October 6, the Champagne-Ardenne region elected its new Miss. But who is Noa Dutitre, who will be on stage at the Zénith de Dijon next December to try to win the title of Miss France?

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In a few weeks, all TF1 viewers will have their eyes glued to the new candidates who will try to win the title of Miss France. During this evening, the public will discover who will succeed Indira Ampiot, the current Miss. But before experiencing this fairy tale-like ceremony, each region must elect its representative for thehe competition which will take place at the end of the year at the Zénith in Dijon. This Friday, October 6, all eyes were on Champagne-Ardenne, which revealed its new regional Miss. After the traditional parades and speeches, the public learned that it was Noa Dutitre who succeeded Solène Scholer, Miss Champagne-Ardenne 2022.

The new Miss Champagne-Ardenne is a sportswoman

Aged 21, Noa Dutitre has a lot of ideas and always seems to want more. Currently studying foreign languages ​​at the Faculty of Reims, she wishes to join a luxury marketing school. The objective of the Miss: “combine (his) passion for fashion and human contact”. If studies are a very important part of his life, so is sport. Noa Dutitre always needs to surpass herself to feel better about herself and in her mind. “This allowed me to have a foolproof mentality and the desire to always surpass myself. I like to challenge myself and embark on new adventures”, she said in her presentation video on social networks.

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Noa Dutitre supported by her entourage

On the family side, Noa Dutitre can count on the support of her family. “My loved ones describe me as a smiling, pleasant and determined person.”, she explained. Her entourage is already looking forward to coming to support her at the Zénith in Dijon in December during the national election. The new Miss Champagne-Ardenne can also count on her runners-up. The title of first runner-up went to Camille Louis-Joseph, aged 22. The second runner-up is Justine Epoma and the title of third runner-up was granted to Maëlya Guessas.

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Article written in collaboration with 6Médias.

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