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Miss France 2024: who is Agathe Toullieu, elected Miss Limousin 2023?

While waiting for next December 16, the Miss France 2024 competition is being prepared. After the elections of Clemence Menard for the title of Miss Pays de la Loire, that of Noémie Le Bras as Miss Brittany 2023 and that of Chléo Modestine, Miss Martinique 2023, a new young woman has entered the competition. This is’Agathe Toullieu who, Sunday October 1, was elected Miss Limousin 2023 at the Zénith de Limoges. On his page Instagram, the 21-year-old young woman shared photos and videos of the event, before relaying the congratulatory messages she received following her coronation. “She has allure, she is beautiful, dynamic, she packs a punch. I think she has the shoulders for the adventure, the competition, that awaits her. Her eloquence, too, seduced us when she spoke“, told the media The People of the center Sarah Gentil, deputy mayor of Limoges and present on the jury.

Miss France 2024: Agathe Toullieu, sportswoman and music enthusiast, confides

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Originally from Cosnac, in Corrèze, Agathe Toullieu is a business school student in Lyon. At only 21 years old, she decided to embark on this “crazy adventure“because it was”a bit of a little girl’s dream“, she told our colleagues. And continued: “I worked a lot, a lot for my studies, I did two years of preparation, I didn’t see the light of day. I went to school, I went abroad… That day, I was at home, in Limousin and I said to myself: ‘Why not, I want to do it, come on, I’ll give it a go!'”. Music plays a big part in his life. “Since I was five, I have been playing classical piano, I also cover songs, I sing and I am a DJ at my school“, she confided. She is also very sporty, having practiced handball. A little over two months before the Miss France 2024 election, how does she feel? “It’s very mixed. I’m very excited, I’m scared… But it’s going to be okay. I love being on stage, I love galas, elections… I feel like myself, I feel good on stage. I know I’m going to stress a lot beforehand, but I’ll be so proud to represent Limousin. It will be alright“, she replied to Popular in the center.

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Agathe Toullieu (Miss Limousin 2023) volunteers for a cause close to her heart

Agathe Toullieu has already been a volunteer at Restos du coeur. A role she took on when she was a student. “I served homeless people, to give them food, in the trucks of the heart restaurants, and we made a lot of social connections, our role was to discuss, to reach out to people… That’s what I like, the encounter“, she explained. As for her personal life, Agathe Toullieu remains discreet. On Instagram, she posts photos and videos of her travels, having already been to Hong Kong last February and to Malta in July 2021. Just before the Miss Limousin 2023 election, she appealed to her subscribers to support her.”The election is approaching (…) I am counting on your support (…) Thank you very much“, she posted.

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