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Miss Universe Colombia has taught me to be patient

Selena Gmez shares a photo on her Instagram stories and reflects on her change.

MIAMI.- Juliana Gmez live a dream by representing the Department of Risaralda in the Miss Universe Colombia 2024. At 27 years old and with a heart full of passion for her homeland, this Colombian model, actress and businesswoman is on the path to the crowning of the most important beauty pageant in her country, which will take place on the next 2 June in Barranquilla.

Born in the picturesque department of Risaralda, Yuliana has carried with her the charm and grace of her homeland in every step she has taken in her artistic career. With residences between Miami, Colombia and Spain, the young woman has merged her love for design with her entrepreneurial spirit, graduating in Marketing and Business Administration with a focus on the world of fashion, which has led her to collaborate with renowned designers throughout their careers.

Added to this is his altruistic work that he carries out thanks to his El sombrador foundation. Project that aims to support Colombian farmers by providing them with seeds and resources to grow their own food, as well as the opportunity to generate income that will allow them to help their families.

And a few days before Miss Universe Colombia, DIARIO LAS AMRICAS spoke with Yuliana Gómez, who at 19 years old began participating in beauty pageants.

If you win Miss Universe Colombia, who would you dedicate the victory to?

Firstly to God and my husband.

So far, what learning has this competition left you to apply in your daily life?

Miss Universe Colombia has taught me to be a patient, persevering and above all disciplined woman; This is something that I apply in my daily life.

What must a woman have to represent Colombia in Miss Universe?

To represent Colombia in Miss Universe, a woman must have values, principles and integrity. Added to this, I believe that empathy and love for others are essential.

What is your opinion about the new policies that Miss Universe has implemented regarding the age, marital status and maternity of the participants?

I have a positive opinion regarding the new policies, since I belong to this inclusion as I am a married woman. In addition to this, I believe that women are multifaceted, diverse and deserve to be supported in all facets of our lives.

Whether you win or not, what message would you give to the next Miss Colombia and Miss Universe to exalt both titles?

My message would be: let them be the action and not the voice, because there is already a lot of noise in the world; that they try to be empathetic women, with love for their people and people in need; More than being a voice and using their platforms to be heard, they should take action.

Why does Yuliana Gómez have to represent her country in the highest beauty contest?

Yuliana Gmez represents the largest class in Colombia, which is the working class. I was born into a humble family and I know what it’s like to have nothing, but I also know what it’s like to have everything.

I think there is enough love and the decision to want to help my people, as I am already doing through my social project El Sembrador.

I take advantage of this interview to invite you to support me in my project by visiting the website so that they find out about all the need that exists among the agricultural peasants of my country. A need that I am addressing with all my heart, desire and with all the experience I have acquired as a woman and person, helping my people and exalting the best of our culture.

The Sower-Yuliana Gmez-cortesa.jpg

The Colombian model, actress and businesswoman Yuliana Gómez is the creator of the El sembrador foundation.

Courtesy/Daniela Carrillo

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