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Morad will go to trial for calling an agent “child molester”

The problems of the ragpicker Morad with the Spanish Justice continue to happen. After the Prosecutor’s Office recently requested six years in prison for a Taser against the Mossos d’Esquadra, the Investigating Court number 4 of L’Hospitalet de Llobregat has agreed open oral proceedings against the ragpicker for a crime of slander against another agent of the Catalan regional police.

The accusation requests a sentence of two years in prison and, in addition, the judge has requested a deposit of 12,000 euros to ensure that the ragpicker is responsible for possible civil liabilities that may arise from the case. In addition, they have warned him that if he does not pay that amount, part of his assets will be seized.

The events occurred on April 27, 2022. A police patrol approached his area to fine him for having the car parked incorrectly. According to the complaint, the singer told one of the agents “How beautiful you are, cunt!” to later refuse to identify himself. After being warned that he was going to be fined both for parking the car incorrectly and for disrespecting the police, he called the other officer a “child molester” and began filming him without permission.

In addition, in order for the officer’s identification to be disseminated, He posted the video on Instagram along with several written phrases in which he stated that “he was dedicated to hitting minors and abusing the people of the neighborhood”. According to the Prosecutor’s Office, the behavior was intended to “vilify” the worker and undermine his “reputation and dignity”. In fact, the agent was off work for a month due to anxiety-depression with phobias.

The prosecution’s requests

In addition to two years in prison, the prosecution, personified by the lawyer Sandra Melgar, requests compensation of 10,950 euros for damages. For her part, the Prosecutor’s Office requests twenty-one months in prison and compensation of 7,950 euros. The date of the trial, for the moment, is not yet set.

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