More layoffs at CNN due to ratings crisis, the network bets on digital TV

WASHINGTONCNN is cutting about 100 jobs and plans to launch its first digital subscriptions before the end of the year as the chain news outlet is leaning towards restructuring its business.

In a memo sent to staff Wednesday, CNN CEO Mark Thompson said he was cutting only 100 positions from a total staff of about 3,500 employees. He said unfilled vacancies were being eliminated in order to minimize overall layoffs.

Media outlets including CNN have struggled to increase audiences and revenue, and have sought to diversify their offerings to customers.

But CNN’s biased reporting in favor of the left and the Democratic Party in the United States has led to a significant decline in its audience.

Thompson said CNN’s digital strategy must be “ambitious enough to achieve the audiences and revenues we need to maintain our unique journalistic power and succeed as a business.”

The return of users

CNN’s CEO said the news network will create subscription products that offer news, analysis and context in new formats. He stressed that efforts will be made to keep users on the website longer and to find ways to keep them coming back.

While CNN’s digital products have largely focused on text-based articles, Thompson said there will be a shift to offering more video content.

“Going forward, our digital products will need to better reflect CNN’s enormous strength in video and reporting talent,” Thompson said.

The organization will also develop more “useful news” for its audience, with lifestyle and feature content. Thompson said these products will provide the company with various monetization opportunities, such as sponsorships, new advertising and direct subscriptions.

CNN will also be exploring more AI, Thompson said, and will look at how it can safely use the technology to serve its audience.

Source: With information from AP

Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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