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More than 800 drones will color the Orlando sky for almost four months

More than 800 drones will color the Orlando sky for almost four months

In the tourism game, large companies in the sector must be constantly innovating, not only to maintain their relevance, but also to attract a greater number of visitors. The board is on the table and in the vibrant state of Florida, the chips are moving, offering increasingly surprising proposals. Orlando is a great example of this.

This week they premiere, Disney Dreams that Soar, an unprecedented spectacle in which more than 800 drones and cutting-edge technology will be used to illuminate and fill the sky with color, specifically in Disney Springs, a free access area within Walt Disney World, which brings together gastronomy, entertainment and shopping on a beautiful boulevard that extends the magic of the parks.

The idea is to present a night show where state-of-the-art drones, under an advanced technological design, draw the most emblematic figures of the Disney universe in the sky. Classics such as Peter Pan, Dumbo, Star Wars and many more will be represented in full color and to the rhythm of the music from the soundtracks of the films that have made dozens of generations dream.

To guarantee the success of this show, test sessions were held in France and according to the advances that have been made to the media, it is a show that promises to become an icon of this tourist district and perhaps, also, this technology can be a great alternative to eventually replace fireworks.

It is no secret that for some time, experts have pointed out that drones can be a much more precise, safe and less invasive option to provide the magic of lights in the sky, without the noise, smoke and risks that the devices represent. pyrotechnics, so who knows and perhaps we are witnessing a historic step for entertainment in the city of Orlando.

Initiatives like this not only improve the visitor experience, but also consolidate Florida as a leader in global tourism, demonstrating that innovation is key to sustained success in this highly competitive industry.

The new drone show “Disney Dreams that Soar” will be presented twice a night from May 24 to September 2, 2024.

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