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Mörtel Lugner’s new one – “Täubchen” comes fluttering to the opera ball

“I’m staying at home today…” Richard “Mörtel” Lugner (90) opens a Whatsapp message about his current state of health when BILD asks him about it.

The Viennese construction tycoon is still coughing a bit, but his heart is in the best of health. Because before he lets the cat out of the bag for this year’s star guest of his traditional Vienna Opera Ball, the 90-year-old has a private announcement to make this time.

After hummingbird (35, Bahati Venus), wild boar (32, Lydia Kelovitz), butterfly (27, Irina Jovanka) and Bambi (40, Nina Bruckner and just to name a few favorite animals that have passed away), the dove is now in the Lugnerian nest…

The building lion (4th from left) and many of his ex-partners celebrated Lugner’s 90th birthday together in Vienna in October 2022

Photo: action press

Ah, the mortar and the love. The Austrian hasn’t had it that easy in recent years. After his last fiancée, Simone “Bienchen” Reiländer (40), broke the engagement at the end of 2021, it became quiet with Richard Lugner.

But now Cupid seems to have set his sights on him again, because he happily and happily confirms to BILD: “The Opera Ball is approaching. My personal companion on February 16th will be little Elisabeth.”

The construction mogul can laugh again: His heart currently beats for YOU

Photo: private

Elisabeth (44), as the “dove” is called by her real first name, accompanied Mörtel several times in 2022.

Together with her he attended the season opening of the Tschaunerbühne and the premiere of the “Meistersinger von Nürnberg” in the Vienna State Opera.

The 44-year-old Elisabeth is just winning the heart of the construction entrepreneur and will accompany him to the Vienna Opera Ball this year

Photo: Private

Lugner no longer wanted to leave happiness to chance and, as so often, was advised by his trusted astrologer, Gerda Rogers (81).

Lugner already has her blessing: “Gerda Rogers confirmed to me that she is an interesting woman who suits me well.”

But even if the celebrity astrologer has already conveyed the good in Elisabeth to her customer Richard Lugner, he does not want to let anyone look further into the cards to see whether something more serious will become of him and his partner. “It will soon become clear whether she even wants me,” says Lugner.

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This week the calendar of the 90-year-old construction multinational is too full to make a clear decision for love. “Tomorrow (Tuesday, editor’s note) I’m only going to the office for the meeting of my two foundations. On Wednesday we choose our opera ball princess and on Thursday at 10 a.m. we announce our guest for the opera ball.”

The workload of the 90-year-old is high this week. Hopefully his health will play along and will spare the Austrian from further colds for the time being.

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