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"mountain doctor"-Star Mark Keller on new season

Keller and Sigl keep sharing pictures from the shoot on social media. But it’s not just a joke, as Mark Keller explains: “This season, Dr. Kahnweiler touches the heart of a lot of extraordinary medical cases. But when I’m in Ellmau, it’s actually always a lot of fun there – with the colleagues, but also the whole team. That just comes with the role and always creates a good mood on the set.”

dr Meanwhile, Martin Gruber still has to nibble on the separation from Anne. what would dr Kahnweiler advise his “only friend” to deal with the situation? Keller’s answer is short and definite: “Life often turns out differently than you think. Go to work with full force. And when one door closes, another one will surely open again.”

Like the rest of the main cast, Mark Keller has been with the “Bergdoktor” since 2008 and is also a musician. But he doesn’t have the thought of hanging up his white coat: “I’m guaranteed to devote a lot to my music and I’m really looking forward to my album “Mein kleine Glück”, which will be released at the end of February. But to an end at “Mountain doctor” I personally hadn’t thought of yet. I love the role so much, so I see no reason to give it up. On the contrary, I feel extremely lucky to be able to play the role and I’m really looking forward to everything wait for Dr. Kahnweiler for stories.”

Der Bergdoktor”: Eight new episodes will air on ZDF from December 29th, every Thursday at 8:15 p.m. Each episode is a week before in the media library to disposal.

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