To the daughters of Rodríguez Zapatero, with all due respect

The only point on the agenda is to commit more and worse electoral fraud in order to pose as authentic democrats.

– Let’s elect a debate director immediately and get down to business! – suggested one.

– Choose, what? Nobody in our association believes in elections! –another one replied.

List of special guests for the deliberations, although they would be better suited as ex officio members of Asídeforajidos, SC: FIFA and Conmebol; the ineffective Security and Human Rights Councils of the United Nations; the Carter Center; the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court based in The Hague; the “Aragua Train”; the Office of the European Union for International Affairs, when it is headed by Josep Borrell’s thug; the National Boxing Association, Don King’s NBA – isn’t King the owner of the NBA? It doesn’t matter because at some point, he did whatever he wanted with it!

It is still an oxymoron or a contradiction in the adjectivethat a group of subjects who do not believe in democracy, who do not practice it, who also rant about the separation of powers and the check and balancinginvest so much time and money to pretend that they are legitimate rulers of origin.

The fat North Korean, with all his murderous, corrupt, flatulent ways, is at least not a hypocrite in this regard. A member of the dynasty of puppets that for three generations (or degenerations?) have lent themselves to supporting the military tyranny of this suffering country, Kim Jong-un, will have invoked his semi-divine character to kill a brother, an uncle, launder dirty money, print massive amounts of counterfeit dollar bills, euros, yen or any other hard currency. The mere fact of pretending that his power depends on votes, fraudulent or free, would shake his “Eternal Presidency” or semi-monarch.

The day’s disorder, in the aforementioned deliberations, was started by Daniel Ortega and his scoundrel of a wife. The very whiners denounced that a certain narco-tyrant, entrenched in Caracas, from Cucuta, to be more precise, had shamelessly plagiarized their “know-how” to steal elections.

– He didn’t even pay us the royaltiesfor representing a bad caricature of the “democratic tyranny” of Nicaragua – Ortega lamented.

– He has not yet imprisoned any priest or raped any nun, but while he is doing so, the felon has insulted the memory of José Gregorio Hernández – exclaimed, for her part, Doña Rosario Morillo de Ortega, while she was beheading an animal in the middle of the auditorium, to carry out some of her witchcraft.

Although Vladimir Putin has the face and heart of one of those rodents that splash around in sewage and is more capitalist than Henry Ford and John D. Rockefeller put together, his speech awakened the sinful fantasies of all the comrades or “comrades”; “ñángaras” or “ñángaros”, present and not present at the aforementioned plenary. Let us hear it:

– Poisoning an opposition candidate with polonium or novichok – Putin began his speech – or blowing up in mid-flight the plane in which a former crony was traveling, as paradoxical as it may seem, has a better “cost-benefit-So-outlaw” ratio than closing down an empanada shop for the crime of treason for giving water and food to María Corina Machado; or bribing seven scoundrels to pass themselves off as opposition candidates or altering the voter registry or preventing international electoral monitoring in accordance with existing protocols.

There are those who claim that there is nothing new under the sun when it comes to election manipulation. They are wrong.

Since the first votes held in the Athenian agora until the present date, that is, since the World is World, in such activities, no supposed electoral referee had played a song before assuming office, with the phallic connotation of the saxophone as was the case of the current president of the National Electoral Council, CNE, when he serenaded the narco-candidate, government official, on the occasion of his birthday. Seeing is believing. Please, dear readers, click on the following link to convince yourselves:

Mr. President of the CNE, respectfully, as far as this servant is concerned, you can continue to lead that organization, condoning the electoral fraud that the narco-tyranny is plotting. In short, I am convinced that on July 28th there will be no cheating that will work and that the Venezuelans, in a majority, will impose our unwavering will for change.

But please, don’t give another serenade like the one you offered to the narco-tyrant! You lack the basic rhythm, harmony, and melody of a musical ear. Rest assured that you do more harm to humanity with your saxophone and your sticky flattery than you could cause to civilization as a lying electoral referee.

And as for the “salsa” that he said he played, as evidenced by the aforementioned link, be sensible because jalarbbb…, it does not have “salsa” swing,


Tarun Kumar

I'm Tarun Kumar, and I'm passionate about writing engaging content for businesses. I specialize in topics like news, showbiz, technology, travel, food and more.

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