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“Much nicer with less make-up”: Barbara Schöneberger inspires fans with a natural winter look

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Of: Luke Einkammerer


Barbara Schöneberger always appears in top style on TV. Privately, however, she prefers naturalness and likes to show herself without make-up. Her winter look earns her many compliments.

Munich – Whether as a moderator of “Because you don’t know what’s happening!” alongside Günther Jauch (66) and Thomas Gottschalk (72) or as a podcaster on her own radio station – Barbara Schöneberger (48) shouldn’t be bored that quickly will. Born in Munich, she is always working on a wide variety of projects and, when she is not in the TV studio or behind the microphone, takes her fans with her into their colorful everyday lives.

Without make-up and in a winter coat: Barbara Schöneberger shares a video from the service area

On her Instagram account, Barbara Schöneberger shares insights into glamorous celebrity life and behind the scenes of her podcast with her around 736,000 followers – and is not afraid to appear in front of the camera quite naturally. From top styled to very casual in the television wardrobe, the chameleon-like TV star presents herself to her fans in a completely different way with every snapshot.

In a short video clip, the blonde all-rounder shows himself in a cozy black winter coat and with a coffee mug in hand on his way to grab an issue of her “Barbara Magazin” at the checkout counter. “What I do when I’m at the rest stop,” she titled the funny sequence. She lets herself be photographed with her hair tied up and without any make-up and cheekily pushes the three magazines whose covers she adorns in an elegant white dress to the front of the shelf and lets the competition disappear behind them.

The very first celebrity post on Instagram

Since the image platform appeared in the app stores on October 6, 2010, Instagram has become a real phenomenon. The paradise for photography, fashion and culinary magic has more than two quadrillion active users today – including most of the stars. The first celebrity to post on the social media app with the purple and yellow logo was American rapper Snoop Dogg. On January 11, 2011, he wrote “Bossin up wit dat blast” under a photo in a suit – and with it he went down in history.

“Wonderful, of course”: fans celebrate unvarnished Barbara Schöneberger

The celebrity colleagues are happy about the mischievous clip by Barbara Schöneberger and Kelly Family star Angelo Kelly (41) agrees with her laughing: “I do the same with my CDs.” Her fans also reacted to the clip with great enthusiasm – and above all praised the stylish winter ensemble and confident demeanor of the “Do you understand fun?” moderator. “You’re just wonderfully natural, funny, have an incredible number of facets,” enthuses an Instagram user, “Much nicer, with less make-up,” joins her another.

The fans of Barbara Schöneberger can well understand that she spreads out her own magazine in the magazine stand. After all, the hard work that has flowed into the paper for the past 72 issues should be rewarded accordingly. In the “Kölner Treff” Barbara Schöneberger remembered a questionable compliment that she once received in the supermarket. Sources used: Instagram/barbara.schoeneberger,

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