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Museum exhibits Ecuadorian artwork made from a cocoa pod

Museum exhibits Ecuadorian artwork made from a cocoa pod

SPRING.- A nativity scene made inside a corncob cacao In Ecuador it is the new constructions which expands the collection of Nativity Scenes of the World of the Museo International Nativity Scene Art of Mollina (Mlaga). The piece was donated by the Embassy in Spain of the Latin American country.

“It symbolizes the cultural wealth and artisanal tradition of Ecuador and I hope to contribute to this unique museum, with feelings of friendship and admiration,” said ambassador Wilma Andrade, in the Gold Book of the Díaz Caballero Foundation, promoter of the center.

The Ecuadorian María Cecilia Trujillo, 77 years old, is the artisan responsible for the particular work, composed of figures made of marzipan, thus highlighting a tradition that has ended up being a commercial venture in the parish of Calderón, in the Metropolitan District of Quito.

Based on the classic composition of the Holy Family in the Nativity scenes, together with the mule and the ox, as well as an announcing angel, in this work the human figures have been given shape representing a couple of Cuenca cholos.

The essence of Ecuador in the European museum

“It is very important, because although it is perhaps the smallest nativity scene that this beautiful museum will have, there is the essence of Ecuador. There is the cocoa pod, which is the wonderful base of the fine aroma cocoa that is produced in Ecuador” , stressed the ambassador in Spain, of a work that joins a section with popular international nativity scenes, also from other countries such as Mexico, Peru, Germany, China, the United States, the Philippines, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, the United Kingdom and Uganda.

Andrade – on her visit to a space that manages to bring together the essence of religiosity and the values ​​of the processed peoples – was accompanied by the Consul General for Andaluca in Malaga, Diana Yepes.

And the reception for both of them and the rest of the Ecuadorian delegation, together with the president of the Díaz Caballero Foundation, Antonio Díaz, and the president, Ana Caballero, and the artistic director of the museum, Alejandro Calderón, were also attended by the mayor of Mollina, Eugenio Sevillano, and the provincial deputy for Culture, Manuel López Mestanza; as well as the first councillors of Alameda, José García, and Humilladero, Auxi Gómez, and representatives of the Local Action and Development Group of the Antequera Region, among others.


After donating the work and signing the Golden Book, the Ecuadorian delegation was able to tour the Mollina International Museum of Nativity Scene Art, a 5,000 square metre building that has more than a hundred works and 2,000 figures in its permanent exhibition spread throughout the hall, its central distributor and seven rooms, making it the largest space in the world dedicated to the promotion and conservation of Nativity scenes.

FUENTE: Europa Press

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