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Museums in Paris break visitor records in 2023

Museums in Paris break visitor records in 2023

PARS.- The major exhibitions attracted a record number of visitors in 2023 in the museums of Paris, which returned to 2019 levels, according to figures compiled by AFP this week.

The Orsay Museum broke its record with 3.9 million visitors, to which must be added the 1.2 million of its associated museum, l’Orangerie.

“The Orsay Museum houses the largest collection of Impressionist masters and in 2023 the exhibitions Manet-Degas, Pastels, from Millet to Redon o Van Gogh in Auvers-sur-Oise, the last months (still open) caused a massive influx,” its general administrator, Pierre-Emmanuel Lecerf, explained to AFP.

Currently, the exhibition about Van Gogh’s last months is visited by an average of 7,200 people every day, five weeks before its closing, Lecerf explained.

The Louvre maintained an average of 30,000 visitors per day and in 2023 it received 8.9 million tourists, 14% more than in 2022. It is thus close to the pre-pandemic levels of 2019 (9.6 million visitors).

The Palace of Versailles received 8.1 million visitors, the same number as in 2019 and a net increase compared to the 6.5 million in 2022.

The Center for National Monuments (CMN), which manages a hundred cultural sites throughout the country, including the Mont Saint-Michel Abbey and the Holy Chapel of Paris, reported 11 million visitors (+15% compared to 2022). ). The Pantheon in Paris stands out, which for the first time has surpassed one million visits.

Finally with 1.4 million visits, a year-on-year increase of 40% compared to 2022, the Quai Branly-Jacques Chirac (ethnological) museum also announces exceptional attendance in 2023, higher than the years before the COVID-19 health crisis .


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