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Music, passion and enthusiasm at Superar

On Tuesday, March 21, at 6 p.m., a superlative concert will take place in the Kulturbühne: More than 200 children will sing for the choir’s anniversary “10 years of Superar” – free admission, voluntary donations requested.

Making music connects countries, cultures and people. The Lionsclub Rheintal am Kumma has been supporting this project regularly since a music camp in 2017. The mission: Children of different mother tongues and social backgrounds grow through singing together. Working with the voice is an important way for the children to access themselves. At the anniversary concert, the young singers show their skills with great joy and enthusiasm. Joie de vivre and music that also casts a spell over the audience.

Superar – Strengthen children
Superar (German: to overcome borders) is 10 years old. The Superar association works with professional musicians and offers children and young people free access to cultural support. In this way, the multi-layered positive effect of music reaches children and young people regardless of their cultural, religious, linguistic and economic background. In total, Superar is currently working with over 3000 children and young people in seven European countries. In total, Superar works with 500 children in Vorarlberg. The concert in the Kulturbühne AmBach begins on Tuesday evening at 6 p.m. with free admission, voluntary donations for the work of the association are welcome!

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