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Musician has to pack his things – THIS star played in the jungle camp

How closely joy and sorrow in jungle camp but lie together!

Verena Kerth (41) was dismayed at her departure from the bush on Friday evening – but was all the more excited her sweetheart Marc Terenzi (44), who even got on his knees in front of his beloved Verena and finally proposed to her!

A few kilometers further, however, there were already threats of divorce: Katzenberger mom Iris Klein (55) accused her husband Peter (63), who is staying with Lucas Cordalis (55) in the Versace Hotel, of ruffling the hotel sheets with another companion. The suspect: Yvonne Woelke (41), friend and companion of the bush resident Djamila Rowe (55).

“Sister” Zoff never ends

But there is also a lot of rumbling at the warm fire of the jungle events! Yesterday’s dispute between Tessa Bergmeier (33) and Cecilia Asoro (26) was taken mercilessly into the next day. The stumbling block: Cecilia asked her buddy not to address her so often with “sister” or “baby”. She took the request personally and said: “That’s enough, Cecilia! You just go away now and leave me alone!” Cecilia then cried at herself Gigi Birofio (23) from: “I’m telling you, Gigi, this thing is making us sick here. That scares me!”

Tessa (left) and Cecilia don’t get along

Photo: RTL

And already followed on Saturday evening round two in the diva discourse. Tessa was hoping for a reconciliation and approached Cecilia: “Would you like to have a chat later?” She turned down the offer coldly: “For what happened yesterday, I apologize zero point zero percent, because you went completely crazy and I’ve stayed calm for my standards.”

Hotel secret revealed! That’s what Verena and Marc did first

Again, the different perceptions banged on each other – Tessa claimed: “You’ve built yourself up in front of me!” And the voices of the two residents echoed again so loudly through the wilderness that one or the other jungle animal had to flee.

Some of them had Jolina Mennen (30) and Markus Moerl (63) then for the jungle test on the plate: they had delicacies such as cow nose and beef anus. Tears ran down Jolina: “I’ve thrown up in my mouth three times!” The two jungle stars got just four out of eleven stars for their roommates: the next meal will be correspondingly sparse.

choke! Jolina and Markus struggled with the disgusting jungle test

Photo: RTL / Stefan Thoyah

Markus Mörl is chosen from the jungle

Perhaps a small consolation: one of the residents could look forward to a decent meal, because the spectators were allowed to send one of the wilderness VIPs home again. In the end it was decided between “I want fun” singer Markus Mörl and Claudia Effenberg (57): At 00:08 the moderators delivered Sonja Zietlow (54) and Jan Köppen (39) then the result: “Markus, you have to leave the camp.”

The farewell was warm, Jolina even shed bitter tears after the decision: she had taken her colleague from the disgust test to her heart. However, Markus doesn’t want to eat anything yet: “I think I’ll continue with the diet until you’re out. All.”

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