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"My family couldn’t tell me anything" : Carla Bruni talks about her "addictions"

This Wednesday, January 5, Carla Bruni participated in the podcast Counter-addictions by Rose. The opportunity for the singer to talk about her addictions, in particular her fight against cigarettes.

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For his second podcast of 2023, Pink has received Carla Bruni in Counter-addictions this Wednesday, January 5. With her, she talked about addictions, the main subject of her audio pastille. The wife of Nicolas Sarkozy confided in an open heart on this theme. “There is a great satisfaction in sobriety which increases day by day. That’s why relapses are harmful, because you lose a state of dignity. Still, filling yourself with dignity every day doesn’t hurt“, did she say.

I’m an addict, I don’t stop at sweet drunkenness

In the continuation of this exchange, Carla Bruni addressed her addictions, in particular that of cigarettes. “I arrived very quickly at tobacco around 14-15 years old, which is in all my family, so it was easy, they could not tell me anything (…) and then alcohol, she began. And to continue:I haven’t mentioned drugs very much because I don’t really like to put myself upside down. I like a sweet intoxication. The problem is that as I’m an addict, I don’t stop at sweet drunkenness, so I have to stop alcohol“. Where is she in her fight against tobacco? “I practically quit smoking and I feel like a retard at 55, this 14-year-old idiot who knew nothing and now I know everything“, she confided.

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It is still her voice and her poetry that she offers us here

His passage in the podcast Counter-addictionsCarla Bruni teased it on her page instagram this Thursday, January 5. Above all, she paid tribute to her “friend” Pink. “You know her deep and tender songs, her close and vibrant voice, her finely drawn face, her forget-me-not eyes, but I invite you to discover another Rose through this podcast she created. It is still her voice and her poetry that she offers us here, but it is in the service of a cause other than that of pleasure and music. Listen to Rose’s voice take us to the bottom of our souls to calm the swell that carries us away so easily…

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