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Nacho Palau’s mother, admitted urgently after becoming paralyzed: The doctors do not know

Nacho Palau's mother, admitted urgently after becoming paralyzed: The doctors do not know

2023 is not being the best year for Nacho Palau. The former contestant of Survivors announced a few weeks ago a relapse of the cancer he suffered and that was super initially a few months ago. This summer I was diagnosed with cancer again. There was a moment when I said: I can’t take it anymore, I can’t get out of this and why, I told Friday!Telecinco program presented by Santi Acosta.

Now add to this that his mother, Lola Medinahas had to be admitted to a residence by the appearance of serious mobility problems caused by radiation of the treatment he had to follow for lung cancer, as he has shared with Pronto.

A setback that forces her to be confined to a wheelchair, while she clings to the hope of walking again. Well, holding what falls. In a wheelchair because of the radiation they gave me and with serious mobility problems. And I want to walk again. We’ll see if I can make it. Doctors are surprised by this diagnosis, since they do not know with certainty what causes the appearance of these severe ailments. The doctors don’t know. This has happened to another woman yam, we are both the same.

I need help for everything, because I can’t take care of myself.

The only option he had in his hands was to enter a residence because he needs help with everything.. My son Nacho has to take care of my grandchildren, and my daughter has to take care of her daughter and go to work. They can’t keep an eye on me. I need help for everything, because I can’t take care of myself, she adds.

Nevertheless, Lola assures that the tumor she suffered from is controlled and out of danger. I’m better. They operated on me, it was a small tumor and everything went great. I was great, I was walking, I felt good, but now I find myself with this new problem.

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