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Natalia Almarcha, ex de Risto, goes viral with a topless before making her Instagram private

Natalia Almarcha, ex de Risto, goes viral with a topless before making her Instagram private

Risto Mejide and Natalia Almarcha have given much to talk about in recent months with a media relationship that ended twice, the last of them this same month of July. The pharmacist always tried to stay out of the exposure that the figure of the presenter forced her to, but after her first break she did offer a few words through social networks.

Sadly we live in a world where there is a significant excess of hypocrisy. A world in which the values ​​of respect and fidelity have been completely lost,” she shared. “A world where it is very interesting to sell a life on social networks, which, the more it disagrees with reality, the better. A narcissistic world. A world in which we seek our own good without caring about the victims we leave along the way. A world to which, thank God, I don’t belong”, he then added.

Instagram: @natalia_almarcha

Perhaps that is why Natalia had her Instagram profile completely private, which has not prevented her from one of the images you have shared as part of a photo shoot goes viral. In the photo, she appears only with the bottom part of what is apparently a white bikini while covering her chest to avoid the censorship imposed by the social network and which has always been the subject of controversy.

The words of Natalia Almarcha after the wedding of Edurne and De Gea

The second opportunity that Natalia and Risto Mejide gave themselves did not go well either, but that did not prevent them from attending Edurne and David de Gea’s wedding in Menorca together. “For my mental health, I need you to stop creating news, forget about me, don’t associate me. This topic is sure to make people tired. If I have turned the page and I have even changed the book, let them update themselves, ”said the pharmacist on the networks.

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