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Natalia Jimnez, from La Quinta Estacin, is engaged to Arnold Hemkes

Natalia Jimnez, from La Quinta Estacin, is engaged to Arnold Hemkes

After the traumatic divorce that separated him from Daniel Trueba during the year 2020, Natalia Jimnez has given love a second chance again. After two years of relationship with her manager, businessman Arnold Hemkesthe two have announced on their respective Instagram accounts that they will soon pass through the altar.

The former vocalist of La Quinta Estacin has happily communicated the news. I said yes. If El Escorial was important to me before, now it will be much more so. And not only for me, but for you too. I am so proud of the love we have and everything we have accomplished together and I can’t wait to see what the future holds. Thank you for appearing in my life and filling it with love and joy.. You are a light for me, for my daughter and all the people who come across you. “I am the luckiest and luckiest woman to be able to spend my life with you,” the singer wrote, leaving a series of photographs showing her engagement ring.

Hemkes, for his part, has done the same, feeling proud to be part of the happy moments and to be the partner in all the battles. “I have the most beautiful woman and family in the world by your side,” said the businessman of Mexican origin.

Second wedding

When it occurs, the marriage will be the second in the singer-songwriter’s life. In 2015, the Spanish woman passed through the altar with her manager at the time, Daniel Trueba. Together they had the singer’s only daughter, Alessandra. The separation was traumatic, because despite being asked to respect the privacy of the matter, Trueba did not hesitate to the seas to his ex-wife for abusing alcohol and drugs.

Her relationship with Trueba began in 2010, just a year before Natalia was about to marry businessman Antonio Alcol, with whom she called off the wedding at the last minute. We had been living in our house for a month and preparing for the wedding, but suddenly he went on vacation to Denia with his parentshe said in an interview in the Mexican version of Hola!.

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