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National Media Literacy Plan will be created by June this year

Pedro Adão e Silva was speaking at the opening of the sixth edition of the Literacy, Media and Citizenship Congress, which started today, until Saturday, at the Superior School of Social Communication of the Polytechnic Institute of Lisbon, in Benfica, whose motto was chosen by GILM – Informal Group on Media Literacy is “Digital Transition and Public Policy”.

Before intervening at the opening of the congress, the official had advanced that the plan would start this year, as he had announced last November.

“This plan will be created during the year 2023, until the end of the first semester” and will take advantage of the “capillarity that the National Reading Plan already has”, added the minister.

“The main objective of the plan is to give conditions to the actors who are on the ground to continue and expand their work so that they can define general guidelines, the plan must immediately identify gaps, giving priority to the segments of the population most vulnerable to misinformation, in which the current offer is insufficient”, continued Pedro Adão e Silva.

In addition, “it must encourage the production of content on topics that have not yet received the necessary attention and aimed at social groups that are particularly in need, and it is also necessary to take into account the need to create accessible informed content, adapted to people with special needs. special events, including Portuguese sign language and with subtitles”, he stressed, praising the congress for having Portuguese sign language.

“I believe that it is crucial to establish bonds of trust between citizens and the media to counteract this loss of credibility of intermediation institutions”, namely by stimulating direct contact between citizens and journalists and other professionals, helping to humanize the institutions.

The minister also said that the plan must have the “necessary agility” to keep up-to-date and that the plan’s actions “must include” qualitative assessment mechanisms.

Also Read: National Plan for Media Literacy starts this year

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