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Ned Luke says after prank: “I’m not afraid”

Ned Luke says after prank: "I'm not afraid"

Recently, the actor MichaelemGTA V, Down Luke was the target of a dangerous prank, known as “swatting“.

While transmitting GTA online, a hacker discovered the actor’s address, and made an anonymous complaint against him to the United States authorities, putting his life in danger. Luke at risk. See below a recording of the moment:

Amid the repercussions of the prank, Luke used your account on X (Formerly Twitter) to speak out, saying that he took the case to the authorities, who had already “some significant evidence at hand” to arrest those responsible.

The actor also said that this was the sixth time that this type of prank was done to him and stated that he is not afraid or feels coerced by any of this.

“Everyone is fine, thanks for your concern. This is the sixth time we’ve been swatted, but here are points for originality, this time they sent the Fire Department. There’s nothing pretty, intelligent or funny about it. And, in a way, , I feel sorry for the individual or group of individuals who pull these pranks,” he said. Luke.

“I assume the intention is to shut me up, to coerce me. Guess what? It’s not working. I’m not afraid. I’m not losing sleep. And I’m certainly not going to stop doing my thing,” the actor continued.

Read more about GTA:

GTA V is available on all platforms. The game became a worldwide phenomenon upon release.

To the announced sequence, GTA 6, marking the first time in the franchise that there will be a playable female protagonist. The woman, who is Latina, will be one of the protagonists of the story influenced by bank robbers Bonnie and Clyde.

Furthermore, the team is being very cautious with its jokes, as there is no intention of crossing a line about marginalized groups, in contrast to previous games.

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