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Neither Ángel de Brito nor Yanina Latorre: this was the figure that appropriated the leadership of "LAM"

brito angel He is one of the most recognized conductors of the Argentine show business and the proof is that his program “LAM” is one of those that sets the trend and agenda in the world of entertainment.

However, this last year has given one or another interesting surprise that goes from the change of little angels to the absence, on some occasions, of the star driver. On two occasions, it was Yanina Latorre who took the place of brito angel when he decided to go on vacation. Now, with this little angel absent, it was another classmate who appropriated the space.

De Brito has achieved very good numbers on the screens of America, where he will remain for two more years by contract.

Undoubtedly, 2022 began with a stir in the world of show business, especially in Punta del Este, which is the favorite spa area for many celebrities. It is for this reason that brito angel He decided to be the correspondent sent to talk about some interesting topics from the scene.

The surprise came when the program began with Nazarena Vélez in front of the host, accompanied by Estefi Berardi, Andrea Taboada, Marixa Balli and Viviana Colmenero in their respective positions. “Hello, beautiful. You are already so Punta del Este. How are you?”, were the words of the former vedette to give rise to the pass to America TV star.

“You know that I adapt quickly. Very well. I arrived this afternoon because it is where absolutely everything is happening,” said the driver, referring to the laundering of Zaira Nara’s new relationship and the presence of Camila Homs, Lali Espósito and Marcelo Tinelli in some important events.

“LAM” renewed

Despite the fact that Yanina Latorre will return on vacation in the next few days, the truth is that “Pitty, The Numerologist” was quite right when she informed Ángel de Brito that 2023 would mean a stage of change and that two little angels would leave the cycle . At that moment, the intrigue was to know which of all she would leave.

Viviana Colmenero and Marixa Balli will be the replacements for Pía Shaw and Fernanda Iglesias.

At the end of 2022, it was learned that Pía Shaw decided to drop out of “LAM” studies to give space to new work challenges, while Fernanda Iglesias will make a definitive change in her life by confirming that she will go to live in Spain with her daughter.

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