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Netflix cancels Save Who Can!

Netflix cancels Save Who Can!

Bad news for lovers of the Save Who Can! format. According to the exclusive Yotele digital portal, Netflix has decided to back down and not produce a new season of the docureality starring Beln Esteban, Kiko Hernndez, Terelu Campos, Kiko Matamoros, Vctor Sandoval, Mara Patio, Lydia Lozano and Chelo-Garca Corts. The aforementioned media explains that the low audience results of the last chapters would have led to this decision.

The truth is the second season of Save Who Can! It was an open secret. The town’s princess was one of the first to confirm it and Fabricantes Studio, the new production company of Oscar Cornejo and Adrin Madrid, had already been working on it for months with all the planning done to begin recording this spring and that would last for thirty days. between the months of April and May.

Despite this, recordings have been suspended after Netflix’s unexpected decision. However, it is not ruled out that the format will return in the future, although not in the short or medium term.

The alliance of Netflix and Fabricantes Studio

The cancellation of Every Man For Himself! It does not mean that Netflix and Fabricantes Studio -formerly La Fbrica de la Tele- separate their paths since, according to the information handled by Yotele, the company and the production company will continue working side by side. In fact, The creators of Slvame have already presented new projects to the direction of non-fiction content of the company, although none of them have been approved at the moment.

The first batch of chapters of Save Who Can! are released with great success on Netflix occupying the top positions of the most viewed content on the platform for several weeks. The impact on social networks was also notable, making its eight protagonists a trend and starring in countless memes.

However, in the rest of the countries the format went completely unnoticed. The following four chapters that closed the first and only season of the docureality did not achieve the same acceptance as the previous ones so the company was forced to make a move.

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