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Netflix: how it seeks to prevent account sharing from 2023

He spent all of 2022 testing the precise formula to avoid shared accounts. And he did it through an extra payment method per user away from home. This measure was criticized, there were subscriber losses and even a drop in shares. Now, by 2023, the would have found a way to close the gap of viewers who do not pay to see the series, movies and documentaries.

It is not a secret that, during the last months, the company has lost the title of “streaming giant” due to the market situation. Competition on the web has become stronger, especially due to the international expansion of other platforms such as HBO Max, Star Plus, Disney Plus, Paramount+, Amazon Prime videoamong other.

In Latin America, for example, the hegemony of Netflix has been dilutingespecially because of the extra charge it raised for users who watched the content outside the houses of the main accounts, as well as the fact of an ad-supported version and a lower payment.

This has impacted the prestige and perception of customers regarding the space in streaming. A) Yes, Netflix will be targeting a method that will allow you to make accounts unshareable outside homes, in order to reduce the gap of approximately 100 million people who consume the platform without paying anything.

The logo of the streaming platform (Photo: Netflix)


Netflix would implement the “Netflix Home” mode in 2023 to prevent accounts from being shared outside the home of the main user of the streaming platform, according to information published in The Wall Street Journal.

The company will succeed in stopping shared accounts by identify the IP. In this way, they can restrict other users outside of this address from connecting to the movies, series, documentaries and other types of Netflix content.

In order for other people to enter Netflix through a different IP, it is necessary to you will have to pay a significant extra and there will be several payment options that are not yet known, according to the aforementioned media.

After testing with different methods, such as extra payment, profile transfer and even the ad-supported versionthe company would take a new step to make this formula work smoothlysuch as the fact that users who use different devices, such as cell phones, do not suffer the interruption of the interrupted service.

Netflix’s goal would be to considerably reduce the number of 100,000 people who connect to the streaming platform without paying anything. The company wants to grow its more than 223 million subscribers around the world and have everyone pay for the service.


still don’t have one official date of the start of this new stage of Netflix on an international level. The company has not yet communicated it through its official channels. But it is expected to be at the beginning of 2023 and in all countries where it is available.

The content of the streaming platform (Photo: Europa Press)

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