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Netflix: this bad science fiction film copied from the Matrix inexplicably finds itself number 2 in the top

netflix ce mauvais film de science fiction copie sur matrix se retrouve inexplicablement numero 2 du.jpeg

Two years after its release on Prime Video, this science fiction film, which shares similarities with Matrix, is now available on Netflix. Released a few days ago on the streaming platform, this feature film went straight to second place among the most viewed programs.

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Netflix recently added a science fiction film to its catalog starring Mark Wahlberg. Adapted from the novel The Reincarnationist Papers by D. Eric Maikranz, Infinity follows Evan McCauley, a man who is unable to get a job due to his schizophrenia. After being arrested for his ties to a local criminal, he discovers the existence of a centuries-old secret society, the Cognomina. The members, called the “Infinites”, have precise memories of their past lives and some have even contributed to significant changes in History. In order to stop the plans of Ted, an evil mastermind who is none other than a former member of society, the group must team up with the man with psychiatric problems. But the latter’s hallucinations turn out to be memories of at least two of his past lives.

Infinity : this film with Mark Wahlberg is a surprise hit on Netflix

It’s the surprise hit of the week. Barely released on Netflix, the science fiction film with Mark Wahlberg directly ranked second among the most viewed programs in Francejust in front of the social fresco Commuters 2. Quite a revenge for this feature film, which was not at all unanimously appreciated by spectators when it was released on Prime Video two years ago. The latter had criticized it in particular for its resemblance to other science fiction films, including the cult Matrix.

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Infinity : “tasteless and uninteresting entertainment” and a copy and paste of Matrix

Just like the American press, spectators pointed out the similarities between Antoine Fuqua’s film and Matrix. “Antoine Fuqua signs an action film without much personality, drawing his ideas from works like Matrix, Wanted, Renaissance, see Equilibrium which was already inspired by Matrix“, wrote an Internet user on the AlloCiné site. “Clever mix of Matrix and Highlander with too much budget not used properly. Some scenes are really copied and pasted from the films mentioned“, ” Infinite is one of Antoine Fuqua’s most impersonal films. A calibrated and lazy blockbuster, the feature film is a tasteless and uninteresting piece of entertainment, which never exploits its concept, located somewhere between The Matrix and The Old Guard“, we could also read on the site.

Article written in collaboration with 6Médias

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