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New commander of the National Guard takes office

Jorge Ricardo / Reform Agency

Tuesday, January 17, 2023 | 19:44

Mexico City.- General David Córdova Campos protested as the new commander of the National Guard, appointed yesterday by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador to replace Luis Rodríguez Bucio, also a military man, appointed in turn as Undersecretary for Security and Citizen Protection.

In the “Marte” Military Camp, the Secretary for Citizen Security and Protection, Rosa Icela Rodríguez, was in charge of taking the protest and leading the entire event called by the Secretary of National Defense, but whose head, Luis Crescencio Sandoval, did not He didn’t say a single word.

The Secretary assured that the National Guard has contributed to reducing violence in various parts of the country where it is focused. Then he read Córdova Campos’s resume and thanked the role of the previous commander, Rodríguez Bucio.

“Today we have the National Guard that is advancing towards its consolidation, thanks to the efforts of women and men like General Bucio, who has the full confidence of the President and whom we thank for the good work he did at the head of the National Guard,” he said. .

“Today, General David Córdova Campos has the full support of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador and with the full support of the Security Cabinet. We do not doubt his ability and sensitivity to continue with this fundamental work of achieving the pacification of the Country. A A man with training and experience is General Córdova, who in his operational activities has been allowed to interact with the population and get to know their security needs more closely,” he added.

At the ceremony were Rodríguez Bucio, the heads of the National Defense Secretariat, Luis Crescencio Sandoval, and the Navy, Rafael Ojeda; as well as members of López Obrador’s Cabinet, such as Marcelo Ebrard, Secretary of Foreign Relations, and Adán Augusto López, of the Interior, as well as the Secretary of Citizen Security of Mexico City, Omar García Harfuch.

The new Commander of the Guard, Córdova Campos, is a Retired Major General with a Diploma from the General Staff. He will be 68 years old in February, he is originally from San Luis Río Colorado, Sonora, graduated from the Heroic Military College, the Superior War College and the National Defense College.

He has been Commander of the 66th Infantry Battalion, the 29th Infantry Battalion, and the 39th Military Zone, among others.

He was Deputy Military and Air Attaché at the Mexican Embassy in France, Belgium and the Netherlands between 1996 and 1988.

The Sedena communication office reported that 2,1668 members of the National Guard, 32 cars, two helicopters, 26 horses, a war band and a music band participated in the event.

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