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New details of Madonna’s ICU admission: she had to be “revived” before

New details of Madonna's ICU admission: she had to be "revived" before

Madonna He is not going through his best moment, neither personal nor professional. Almost a week ago, the queen of pop she had to be admitted urgently after being found unconscious in her New York homebeing quickly transferred to the hospital because of a serious bacterial diseasewhich later led to a sepsis that affects the tissues and organs causing a shock of organ failure and even death.

A disease for which he even had to enter the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)although as published by various media through a source close to the artist, before that she already had to receive an injection of the drug Narcan to “revive” her and get him out of the bad state he was in.

This medicine it served to “help him revive”, and is often used to overcome the state of a drug overdose. In fact, Narcan was already given to singer Demi Lovato in 2018, when she suffered shock from an opioid overdose.

Focused on recovering and without thinking about returning to the stage

Now, according to this close source, the 64-year-old singer’s state of health has improved and she is in the house she has in the luxurious Upper East Side neighborhood, in the heart of Manhattan. There “he is out of danger” and “better”, and now he will focus on recovering to return to the stage.

Some scenarios that he was going to step on on the occasion of his world tour ‘The Celebration Tour’, and that nevertheless was canceled as a result of the health problems that led him to enter the ICU. Some problems that have led him to go through a long period of recovery and without even thinking about his return to the world of music, the next concerts being rescheduled.

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