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New fungus discovered in China that mutates at high speed: two people have already died

New fungus discovered in China that mutates at high speed: two people have already died

Two people have died after being infected by and big mushroom drug resistant known as Rhodosporidiobolus fluvialisaccording to a recent study published in Nature Microbiology. A truly tragedy.

Apparently, the fungus was found in The blood of two unrelated patients in ChinaThe first case was a 61-year-old man who died in 2013 in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) in Nanjing. This patient was admitted to the hospital with acute pancreatitis and kidney pain.. He eventually died of multiple organ failure.

The second was related with another 85-year-old person who died in 2016 in an ICU in Tianjin. He had multiple health problems, including heart disease, respiratory failure and pneumonia. He received treatmentbut he died respiratory failure.


As stated, It is not a pathogenic fungus anymore. In fact, Its characteristics are quite eye-catching. And it has been shown that this type of yeast acquires resistance to a wide range of first-line antifungal drugs after exposure to temperatures higher than those simulating human body conditions.

However, the aspect that most worries the scientific community – and on social networks – is that, in those conditionsthe pathogen undergoes evolution towards hypervirulent mutants and increases the severity of infection in laboratory mice.

Great concern

As expected, the discovery of the mutations of Rhodosporidiobolus fluvialis It has generated pnicho that the effects of climate change could make fungal infections more common even more dangerous for humans.

David DenningProfessor of Infectious diseases from the University of Manchester, has expressed publicly are deep concern for these data and has highlighted how they have inadvertently raised a problem that nowadays, It is seen as very important in the short and long term.

With the widespread rise in temperatures around the worldand especially during the summer period, it is worth highlighting the ease with which fungi -including new species such as the one mentioned above- can adapt and perhaps expand their range, which only increases. And with that, of course, their exposure to humans.

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