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New trailer for "The Three Musketeers: D’Artagnan" with Francois Civil

The first part of the French blockbuster by Martin Bourboulon and adapted from the novel by Alexandre Dumas is revealed in a new trailer before its release, scheduled for April 5, 2023.

Just over two years after announcing the project, the French film adaptation of the famous novel by Alexandre Dumas, The three Musketeersis revealed through a new trailer.

Directed by filmmaker Martin Bourboulon (mom or dad, eiffel), this French blockbuster is split into two parts – D’Artagnan And Milady – which will be released in theaters on April 5 and December 13, 2023 respectively. This diptych is written by Matthieu Delaporte and Alexandre de la Patellière (First name).

Broadcast this Wednesday, this new excerpt focuses only on the first part of the diptych and follows the adventures of François Civil in the skin of D’Artagnan, who dreams of joining the band of musketeers, played by Vincent Cassel (Athos), Romain Duris (Aramis), Pio Marmaï (Porthos).

70 million euros budget

This trailer for Three Musketeers: D’Artagnanto the sound of Gansta’s Paradisealso offers a new glimpse of the string of stars present in this first part: Eva Green (Milady), Jacob Fortune-Lloyd (the Duke of Buckingham), Vicky Krieps (Anne of Austria), Éric Ruf (Richelieu), Louis Garrel (Louis XIII) or Lyna Khoudri (Constance Bonacieux).

This adaptation will also be enriched with a new character, a black musketeer named Hannibal, who actually existed under the name of Louis Anniaba, but under the reign of Louis XIV and not Louis XIII.

“From the Louvre to Buckingham Palace, from the slums of Paris to the siege of La Rochelle… In a Kingdom divided by the wars of religion and threatened with invasion by England, a handful of men and women go cross their swords and link their destiny to that of France”, summarizes Pathé in its synopsis.

The saga The three Musketeers whose budget was estimated at more than 70 million euros was filmed for more than eight months across France in prestigious locations such as the Louvre Palace, the Hotel des Invalides, the castles of Fontainebleau, Fort la Latte, Chantilly, the citadel of Saint-Malo or even in the historic center of Troyes and required 650 horses and 9,000 extras, according to variety.

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