The state of NY issued a resolution in which it prohibits the sale of puppies of dogs, cats and rabbits from farms in stores pets exhibited in showcases, with the aim of stopping the business at the expense of the animal abuse and encourage the adoption.

The governor from New York, Kathy Hochul, I declare that “dogs, cats and rabbits across New York deserve loving homes and humane treatment”; highlighting their pride in the measure that ensures progress for reduce abuse against the animals and at the same time increases the pet welfare.

$! This resolution in NY seeks to encourage the adoption of dogs, cats and rabbits or that customers, when buying, see the conditions in which they live.

This resolution in NY seeks to encourage the adoption of dogs, cats and rabbits or that customers, when buying, see the conditions in which they live.

The argument is due to the fact that breeders are not well regulated in USA and the welfare of the animals that live in those storeswhich have the minimum conditions of survival dozens of caged pets for all their lives, which drive the sale Y not adoption.

The new one legislation will enter into force until 2024 and proposes that pet store windows be used to put animals up for adoption and promote events for welcome dogs, cats and rabbits or rent the space to shelters.

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$! There are six US states that prohibit the sale of dogs, cats, rabbits and pets in showcases.

There are six US states that prohibit the sale of dogs, cats, rabbits and pets in showcases.

Although the law will not end up fully affecting the hatcheriessince they will continue to allow the purchase of puppies in the facilities -not in the showcases-, but it will make people know more about the origin of their animals.

New York is not the only state that has passed legislation on the protection of animals, It is the sixth state in the United States to ban the sale of pets in its stores.; California pioneered by imposing the law in 2017, Maryland in 2020, followed byrIllinois, Maine, and Washington in 2021.

After 2020, the US increased the animal businessafter the number of 100 billion dollars on sale.


This animal protection measure has also been implemented in some states of Mexicoin the state of New Lion it was announced that from May 2023the sale of dogs and cats from breeders in stores will be prohibited.

Alfonso Martínez Muñoz, Secretary of the Environment of the State, explained that the measure is not only to combat animal abuse, but as a public health policy.

“There are many animals in a street situation that are rescued that can be adapted instead of producing an animal for sale. It is already widespread animal abuse, many of them are sacrificed to lower populations, there is talk of 50 thousand or more “maintained Martínez Muñoz.

$! In Nuevo León, as in Aguascalientes, there are laws prohibiting the sale of pets.

In Nuevo León, as in Aguascalientes, there are laws prohibiting the sale of pets.

He also maintained that they will look for the stores who are engaged in the sale of pets make agreements with associations of rescuers with a center of dog care, animal welfare addresses and pet sterilization.

“We have to change the concept of race, they made some sense but the practices no longer require it. We are anticipating that the animals that actually exist are cared for”declared the official and assured that Nuevo León is the first state in Mexico to take this measure.

However, according to the ninth article of the Animal Protection Law for the State of Aguascalientesstipulates that the sale of live animals in Department stores, self-service and in general, in any other establishment whose authorized business line is different from that of the sale of animals; so the authorities have the obligation to regulate the sale.


Although under these regulations, Felipe Marquez MunozAnimal Cruelty Program Manager at Humane Society International Mexicoassured for the medium The Sun of the Center that puppies are acquired legal and formalthough “Our first recommendation is that they adopt and that they look for animals that are in shelters and adoption centers, but it is also valid if they want to buy a purebred dog, what we ask is that they look for a certified, registered kennel, through the Mexican Canophile Federation , they can be more certain of what they will be buying”.

IT MAY INTEREST YOU: New York will ban the sale of dogs and cats in pet stores

$! Caged pets are exposed to overcrowding and animal abuse, which intensified with the pandemic.

Caged pets are exposed to overcrowding and animal abuse, which intensified with the pandemic.

And he stressed that during the Christmas season the black market in the sale of puppies without any regulation; concern more in street markets, parking lots and public roads.


On the other hand, the chain of leading pet stores in Mexico stopped selling animals, after years of complaints and reports of alleged animal abuse by the staff.

In 2020, during the confinement measures due to the pandemic of COVID-19on social networks they were denounced as mascots of these stores in veracruz They were abandoned due to the closure of the stores, without food, water and with a plague of cockroaches.

But not only that, in 2015 a video was revealed showing how employees of a store in the state of Gentlemanattacked a hamsterwhich was kicked and thrown to the ground, while a Chihuahua dog they held him by the genitals.

The non-governmental organization ANIMAL HEROES announced on December 6, 2022 that in the company +kotaciting an email sent by the company, already “The sale of animals is not handled, you will only find the sale of food and accessories. Adoptions are now handled on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays at selected branches”.

Antonio Franyutidirector of the organization, pointed out that this measure was given thanks to the demonstrations that were carried out in various branches of the country, in addition to a petition with more than 13,600 signatures on, together with a letter sent to the managers.

“This proves that consumer pressure makes a difference. The protests we organized at their premises and the 13,600 signatures we sent to the company worked and today no more animals will be sold in Maskota stores. We have to fight so that the rest of the stores that continue to sell animals like Petland and Petco stop selling animals also. We are not going to stop!”mentioned ANIMAL HEROES.


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