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Nicolas Cage looks like Dracula in the final trailer for ‘Renfield’

Vampire fans, this interests you a lot. Throughout the history of cinema we have seen a lot of movies that have these blood-sucking creatures as protagonists. However, we are sure that nobody imagined seeing Nicolas Cage playing Dracula himself. Well, that and more can be checked in the final trailer of Renfield.

We have been telling you for a long time that Cage would give life to this iconic character and star in this film based on Renfield, Dracula’s servant (which on this occasion will be played by Nicholas Hoult), and would focus on a story full of black humor, vampires and a lot of blood. And yes, since then it caught our attention.

Nicolas Cage as Dracula in ‘Renfield’/Photo: Universal Pictures

We finally have the final trailer for ‘Renfield’ and Nicolas Cage looks like Dracula

However, we began to get excited about this film when the first images and trailers came out, because in it we were able to check out the first glimpses of Nicolas Cage as Dracula and we were left with a square eye. But now We have the final trailer for Renfield and without a doubt, it paints to be one of the funniest and bloodiest films of the year.

So you will have an idea, in this new advance we know more details about the relationship between Renfield and Dracula, and in particular, it becomes clear to us that the servant is tired of working for the Count after 90 years together. However, Everything changes for Renfield one night in which he saves a police officer named Rebecca Quincy. (Awkwafina).

Nicholas Hoult interpreta a Renfield/Foto: Universal Pictures

With Rebecca, Renfield realizes that he can do good things in life with his powers. (beyond helping Dracula with victims to devour and wash his cape). But if he wants to change, he needs to take down his boss, and boy is he not willing to let go of the person who has served him for so long.

Mark the date on your calendar, because Renfieldthe film starring Nicolas Cage and Nicholas Hoult will be released in Mexico on May 28. But while we wait for that day to arrive and for them to check what this story is about, Here is the final trailer:

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