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Nicolas Canteloup: discover the names of the three new stars he will imitate in C Canteloup

INTERVIEW. The 59-year-old comedian is back on TF1 this September 25, 2023 with C Cantelouphis famous parody show, which he hosts alongside journalist Hélène Mannarino.

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Revisiting current events with derision and lightness… Nicolas Canteloup, year after year, remains faithful to what made him successful. This Monday, September 25, from 9 p.m., the imitator and Hélène Mannarino will give the highlights of the 13th season of C Canteloup on TF1. “Don’t worry, I’m not superstitious!“, laughs the comedian, who is almost surprised at the longevity of this meeting which, initially, was only supposed to last a year, he assures. For his part, in any case, the temptation to interrupting it does not affect it. Broadcast from Monday to Friday after the 8 p.m. news, C Canteloup continues to attract nearly five million viewers on average. Tele-Leisure was able to interview him.

C Canteloup : how Nicolas Canteloup “trapped” Brigitte Macron

How are you approaching this new season?
We are going to keep our line of conduct, supported by my producer Jean-Marc Dumontet. Our goal is to be funny and clever with comments that enlighten viewers on current events. We are not intended to give lessons. New voices will emerge. I am refining new voices like that of the Minister of Education Gabriel Attal, the coach of the XV of France Fabien Galthié and the rugby player Antoine Dupont. Other personalities will emerge during the year, as news develops.

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Today we are pointing out the excesses of artificial intelligence and deepfake. Have you considered stopping using this technology yourself?
No because we warn from the start that this is a humorous program. We use props to accentuate the parody. But it’s true that “deepfake” can be misleading. One day, Brigitte Macron saw her husband speaking on TV and did not understand what he was saying. An advisor then explained to her that she was watching our show. (He’s laughing.)

Nicolas Canteloup: “Thanks to Helene Mannarino, the show has gained credibility”

Hélène Mannarino joined the team last year. What did she bring you?
Thanks to her, the show gained credibility with regard to the treatment of information. At the beginning, I was worried because it was not easy to follow the spontaneity, the laughing side and the professionalism of Alessandra Sublet, a real Ferrari as a host. But Hélène was smart. She did not want to imitate him. On the contrary, she has decided to position herself as a serious journalist who knows how to laugh when necessary. I am delighted to have him here with us today!

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