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Nightmare in the kitchen: Internet users amused by the resemblance of the chef to Philippe Etchebest (VIDEO)

This Monday, January 2, 2023, in Kitchen nightmare on M6, Philippe Etchebest came to the rescue of a new restaurant in difficulty. There, he met Gwen, the chef. On Twitter, Internet users did not fail to point out the resemblance between the two men.

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This Monday, January 2, 2023, on M6, viewers were able to discover a new episode of Kitchen nightmare. In this new issue, Philippe Etchebest went to the restaurant Jean-Francois (64) which he has held for four years. For some time now, the situation has been difficult for the manager and his employees. “Financially, it is absolutely necessary that I make more customers, more meals to be able to pay all my expenses“, he confided to the cameras. And to continue: “No matter how hard we work like mules or donkeys, we can’t do it“. For him, “the major problem“, it is Gwenthe head chef, that he can’t find”motivated” neither “lover“of his profession.

A good first feeling for Philippe Etchebest in Jean-François’ restaurant

Upon his arrival in the restaurant, Philippe Etchebest did not really understand the origin of the problems encountered by Jean-François in his restaurant. In effect, the chef said he ended up in a restaurant “full of people“, which has it by the way”destabilized. He then met his wife, “a super welcoming landlady“nicknamed”Darling“. He also drew a balance sheet “quite positive” lunch and even had a good time, to the point of wondering what he was doing here. “Overall, I’m not shocked“, he confided to Jean-François. But he ended up finding out what was wrong a little later in the show.

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A striking resemblance that makes Twitter react

After tasting the establishment’s cuisine, Philippe Etchebest went to the kitchen where he met Gwen, the chef. One of the waitresses commented the resemblance between the two men. “Seeing the chef next to Gwen, the likeness, it looks like they’re brothers. There were two for the price of one“, she said. This resemblance to the chef, Gwen is aware of it and for good reason: “I have already been told that I looked like the chef, customers, or even in the entourage. It’s always a great pride to think that we look like someone who is higher than me in the kitchen“, he reacted. On Twitter, Internet users also highlighted Gwen’s resemblance to Philippe Etchebest, calling them “Dupond and Dupont“in reference to the fictional characters of Tintin or even”lookalikes.

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