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Noah Schnapp confesses to being gay: “I told my family that I’m gay”

He came out of the closet. Noah Schanpp, known for playing Will Byers in the series ‘Stranger things’used his TikTok account to confess his homosexuality.

In the clip, the young interpreter placed the following title:

In the caption of the video, Schnapp also wrote: “I guess I’m more like Will than I thought.”. In a clear reference to Will Byers, the character he has played since he was 12 years old.

At the moment, Millie Bobby Brown and her other castmates have not reacted or responded to the video, but they are expected to do so in the next few hours.

Noah Schnapp confesses that he is gay

Noah Schnapp confessed to being gay: “I told my family that I’m gay.” VIDEO: TikTok

Noah Schnapp: lifeguard, the new job of the ‘Stranger things’ actor

New job? In dialogue with the medium ‘Flaunt’, the famous actor from ‘Stranger Things’ revealed that in addition to filming and recording sets, working as a guardian of an American swimming pool helped him recover the normalcy of an ordinary teenager.

“It’s kind of ‘just for fun.’ I’ve grown up with a normal life and normal friends and stuff outside of Stranger Things, so it’s kept me grounded.” said Schnapp, who is in one of the best moments of his career after the success of the Netflix production.


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