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Noel Gallagher: That’s behind his fight with Adele

A few weeks ago, Oasis star Noel Gallagher caused a stir with a verbal attack on Adele. Now he reveals how it came about.

Noel Gallagher, 56, is not only famous for the hits of his former band Oasis, but also for his regular taunts about his brother Liam, 50, and other musicians. There is probably no other artist who spouts so many rants in interviews that then have to be redacted by countless omissions and asterisks before they are published.

Gallagher finds Adele’s songs ‘insult’

A few weeks ago, he revealed that he is still the undefeated master of the great art of bashing colleagues Interview with podcaster Matt Morgan (46) clear. There he described the songs of his British colleague Adele, 35, among other things as an “insult” to his hearing.

In one renewed podcast session With Matt Morgan, the musician now explained the background of his verbal attack against Adele in more detail. There he first made it clear that in his life he had never started an argument of his own accord. “It was always a reaction to some fucking idiot starting a fight,” Gallagher said.

Angry because of inappropriate invitation

In this case, Adele did not attack him directly, but aroused his anger by contacting him inappropriately: “She sent someone over to ask the damn thing if I wanted to meet her.” The only problem, then, was that Adele had not personally requested an audience with him.

However, Noel Gallagher went on to say that he had no intention of making a big deal out of the affront. His closing comment: “I’m not one to make a scene, I just stick it in the safe and think revenge is a dish best served cold.”

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