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Noel Schajris joins the Latin Grammy in Schools program

Noel Schajris joins the Latin Grammy in Schools program

MIAMI.- As philanthropic work, the singer-songwriter Noel Shajris joined the program Latin Grammy in the schools of the foundation Cultural Latin Grammy. Union that -in addition- makes it with the premiere of a new version of the iconic song Thanks to lifeto provide help to those affected by the fires in Valparaso, Chile.

“Thanks to the Latin Grammy in Schools program, the Latin Grammy Cultural Foundation, in collaboration with Noel Schajris, will invest $40,000 in an educational experience that includes the donation of musical instruments to Overton High School in Memphis, which will benefit the Program. of Creative and Performing Arts on campus,” the organization said in a statement.

In this way, the Argentine performer visited Overton High School to present the donation of instruments to Memphis authorities; Likewise, he held a conversation with students about his experiences in music, moderated by Jessica Rodríguez, host of the television program Wake up America.

Noel Schajris experience with the foundation

We all know how important art is and what music is in our lives; In my personal case it has been the lifesaver, the friend, the love and even the doctor in many important moments. How important is this invitation from the Latin Grammy Cultural Foundation to share with those who will undoubtedly carry that torch of hope; the kids, the new generations, said the singer-songwriter.

I am honored to share my life experience and especially the last few years in charge of my own label Dynamo Producciones and more recently with my own digital platform and App Nsmusic ( We will surely draw wonderful conclusions and certainties from this meeting; always with truth and love as a flag,” added the musician.

Throwing of Thanks to life

Noel Schajris also brought that altruistic and philanthropic spirit to what is happening in Valparaso, Chile, with the devastating forest fires that have claimed numerous lives. Therefore, he launched a new version of Thanks to lifeoriginal by Violeta Parra, as a song with a cause to raise funds for the victims.

This new version, featuring guitarist Leo Amuedo, is not only a tribute to the resilience of the Chilean people, but also a call to action to support ongoing relief efforts.

Thanks to life It is one of the best-known Chilean songs in the world. The cover of this new version features drawings by Noel Schajris’s children, Emma and Dylan Schajris, adding a personal touch to this significant project. The song was produced by Noel and mixed by Jorge Cajigas.

With Leo Amuedo we had this song recorded and it immediately occurred to me that it was a wonderful opportunity to be able to help and it was born from my soul to be able to help my brothers from Chile, that I love them so much, thank God I will be visiting them a lot soon, stated the Argentine. .

The song can be purchased for one dollar on the digital platform Noel Shajris and in the Nsmusic App (; Those interested can also donate whatever they want. He streaming It’s free up to three times; Then, the theme must be acquired.

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