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Not always friends: "The Mountain Doctor" and dr barge while

In “Homesickness”, the first episode of Season 1, Martin Gruber actually only came to Ellmau for his mother’s birthday. But he was needed for a mission in the mountains and came with his patient to the clinic where Dr. Kahnweiler worked. He wasn’t particularly thrilled that his New York colleague got involved. But that bothered him less than other incidents.

The trouble revolves around the practice of Dr. Melchinger. The experienced doctor wants to retire. And Martin is to become his successor. But he sticks to his plan to return to the United States.

So Kahnweiler sees his chance. He was already in talks about the takeover prior to Martin’s arrival. “Mr. Melchinger, I’m getting fed up. You promised me that you would make a decision by the end of the week.” But Melchinger still hopes that Martin Gruber will change his mind. “He’s going to take over my practice. I’ll bet my patient file on that.”

It looks like he’s losing the bet. And so he agrees to Kahnweiler, who wants to turn the practice into a day beauty clinic. His reaction: “I knew they would make the right decision […] Because I always get what I want in the end.”

He also brags about his success to surgical nurse Christina Pagel: “The women will run into my house.” The sister points out: “The Ellmauer need a general practitioner, not new breasts.” Kahnweiler’s answer would probably not make it into the script in 2023 either: “You’re welcome to start with me. Free treatment included.”

But luckily for Ellmau, Kahnweiler reckoned without Gruber. When the pen has already been pulled out to sign the takeover amount, Martin Gruber bursts in and says: “I hope I’m not too late, Roman. I wanted to tell you that I resigned in New York.”

Roman Melchinger is only too happy to agree and a snorting Kahnweiler leaves the practice: “You will pay me for that.” The humiliation is perfect when Martin also poaches the surgical nurse from him: Christina becomes a receptionist in the “Bergdoktor” practice.

The finale of the 16th season “Der Bergdoktor” runs on Thursday at 8:15 p.m. on ZDF and can already be viewed in the Streamed library become.

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